Mutual health insurance for students: everything you need to know to choose well


  • Choice of mutual : understand the options available to students.
  • Comparison : use comparators to evaluate offers.
  • Costs : mutual societies from €9.90/month.
  • Guarantees : favor those adapted to your specific needs.
  • Assistance : check the services included during your studies.
  • Change : possibilities to change mutual insurance at the end of your studies.
  • Free mutual insurance : options available for scholarship students.
  • Social security : relationship between mutual insurance and social security to understand.

Choose one mutual health insurance adapted to one’s condition as a student can be like a real journey strewn with pitfalls! Between the different offers, the various guarantees and the often varied prices, it is essential to remain lucid. Whether you are in your first year or about to finish your course, this health coverage is essential to deal with unforeseen medical emergencies. In this article, we will explore all the keys to choosing your student mutual and allow you to benefit from optimal protection at a reasonable price.

Choosing the right health insurance is a crucial step for every student. Whether you are at university, in business school or on a work-study program, it is essential to cover your health needs without breaking the bank. In this article, we review the benefits And disadvantages mutual health insurance for students, as well as practical advice for making the right choice.


Protection adapted to student needs: Mutual health insurance for students is designed to specifically meet the requirements of this population. They often offer flexible guarantees which adjust according to your educational situation, such as coverage for dental or optical care or even consultations with specialists.

Affordable rates: For students, the budget is often tight. Fortunately, some mutual insurance companies, such as LMDE, offer rates starting from €9.90 per month. This allows you to find a complementary health quality at a reasonable price.

Access to online services: Most student health mutuals offer practical digital platforms to manage reimbursements, ask questions or access health advice. This considerably simplifies the management of your contract.


Limited coverage: Although many mutual insurance companies offer attractive options, some may have insufficient guarantees for students with specific needs, particularly those in medicine or extended care. It is essential to check whether the guarantees meet your expectations.

Membership conditions: Some mutual insurance companies require specific conditions which can be a barrier for certain students. For example, the scholarship students may have access to cheaper options, but not all contracts are automatically valid for them.

Complexity of choices: Faced with the multitude of offers available, it can be confusing to choose the right mutual insurance company. Use a mutual insurance comparator can be an effective solution for navigating through the different options.

Choose one mutual health insurance for students will require careful attention to your specific needs and budget. Taking into account the benefits and disadvantages mentioned, and by comparing the different offers on the market, you will be able to make an informed decision adapted to your journey.

For more information and advice on mutual insurance, you can consult specialized sites such as the advantages of Crédit Agricole mutual health insurance or explore other student health resources.

Choose one mutual health insurance is a crucial step for every student. In 2024, the options are multiple and may vary depending on the specific needs of each person. In this article, we guide you through the criteria to consider, the best options, and how to optimize your choices to benefit from adequate coverage while respecting your budget.

Why is it important to have student mutual insurance?

During your studies, you are often faced with various health needs: medical consultations, dental care, glasses, etc. Have a student mutual allows you to cover part of the health costs not reimbursed by Social Security. This provides peace of mind and prevents you from unexpected expenses in the event of illness or accident.

The essential criteria for choosing your mutual insurance company

Identify your health needs

Before you begin your research, it is important to make a list of your medical needs. For example, if you tend to frequently consult doctors or use specific treatments, look for a mutual insurance company that offers suitable guarantees.

Compare offers

Don’t stop at the first mutual that you find. Use online comparison sites to evaluate different offers in terms of price and coverage. Sites like The Lynx Or JeChange can help you visualize the differences clearly.

Analyze the cost of mutual insurance

The price of a complementary health for students can vary considerably, with prices starting from €9.90/month. Keep in mind that the cost should be proportional to the guarantees offered. Be vigilant against overly tempting offers that could hide significant exclusions.

The best mutual insurance companies for students in 2024

In 2024, certain mutuals stand out for the quality of their offers. For example, the LMDE And Heyme are often cited among the best for students. They offer several options adapted to the varied needs of young people.

Low-cost mutual insurance or comprehensive mutual insurance?

Decide whether you want a low rate or broad coverage. Sometimes, a slightly more expensive mutual insurance can save you money in the event of frequent health expenses. Thinking about your priorities is therefore crucial.

Possible aid to reduce the cost of your mutual insurance

Are you a scholarship holder? In this case, be aware that specific mutual insurance companies can offer you affordable rates, or even free ones. Also explore the options of complementary solidarity health, which can be adapted to your financial situation. For more information, visit the government website.

How to finalize your choice?

Once you admire all the options, it’s time to make the final choice. Check the waiting periods, the cancellation conditions, and do not hesitate to ask questions to the mutual customer service. Remember that your mutual health insurance should be a support, not a source of hassle.

In summary, choose a student mutual adapted to your needs is essential. By taking into account your health needs, comparing several offers and being attentive to costs, you will be able to make an informed choice. Feel free to explore all your options, including online advice to maximize your chances of success.

discover our complete guide to student health insurance, which helps you choose the best medical coverage adapted to the needs of students. protect your health while controlling your budget with our practical advice and flexible offers.

Choose the mutual health insurance ideal for your student life can seem like a real headache. Between the different offers, the varied prices and the multiple guarantees, it is essential to be well informed to make the best choice. This article will guide you through the essential criteria for selecting a mutual insurance company adapted to your specific needs in 2024.

Understand your needs

Before getting to the heart of the matter, start by thinking about your health needs. Do you go to see the doctor often? Do you have regular treatments? If you plan to internships abroad or seasonal jobs, make sure that mutual insurance covers these situations. For more information, you can consult this link: Student health insurance.

Compare offers

Create a list of possible mutual insurance companies and compare their offers. The site Selectra offers precise rankings that can help you find the best mutual insurance for students. Do not hesitate to use online comparison tools to evaluate prices and guarantees.

Mutual insurance prices

Student mutual insurance prices vary considerably. You can find deals from €9.90/month, but it is crucial not to be seduced by price alone. Read the reviews and don’t forget to check the guarantees included in the contract. To judge the cost, visit this link: Student mutual insurance prices.

Guarantees to favor

When making your choice, pay attention to the guarantees that are essential for you. Make sure to cover hospitalization costs, doctor visits, and specific treatments if you have special needs. To learn more about the importance of guarantees in choosing your mutual insurance company, consult: Student health supplement.

Additional services

Don’t neglect additional services either. Some mutual insurance companies offer interesting services such as teleconsultation, access to a health hotline, or even discounts at certain pharmacies. These elements can make the difference in your choice.

How to benefit from Supplementary Solidarity Health Insurance

If your resources are limited, know that it is possible to access the Supplementary solidarity health (CSS). To do this, you will have to meet certain conditions. It is wise to contact the competent authorities or consult information sites to be well informed on this subject.

Find out about mutual relations and social security

Understand the relationship between your mutual and security is crucial. Your mutual fund will supplement social security reimbursements, so it is important to check that the chosen mutual fund works effectively with your basic scheme. For more details, take a look at: Mutual relationship and social security.

Knowing how to choose your student health insurance requires a little effort, but the benefits are worth it. By taking into account your specific needs, comparing offers wisely and staying informed about your rights, you will be able to find the mutual that offers you the coverage best suited to your lifestyle. Good luck in your research!

Comparative table of mutual health insurance for students

Selection criteria Details
Pricing From €9.90/month for certain mutual insurance companies.
Cover clause Includes costs related to routine care and emergencies.
Adapted offers Specific proposals for internships, work-study programs and studies abroad.
Additional services Access to online consultations and medical advice.
Refund Reimbursement rate varying depending on the treatment, to be preferred.
Ease of management Mobile application or personal online space recommended.
Duration of commitment Often without commitment or with flexible options.
Selection criteria Importance of carefully analyzing your needs before choosing.
discover our student health insurance, designed specifically to meet the needs of students. benefit from coverage adapted to your budget and essential health services to live out your years of study with peace of mind.

Testimonials on student health insurance: everything you need to know to choose well

Choose one mutual health insurance as a student can sometimes seem as tricky as a math test at the end of a busy week. Here are some testimonials from students who have successfully navigated this ocean of choices.

Lea, a literature student, says: “At first, I didn’t know where to start at all. I finally opted for mutual LMDE because I realized that it offered options tailored to my needs, such as dental and vision coverage which was essential for me. The cost was reasonable, and I compared several offers before making my choice.” She insists on the importance of “not hesitating to ask around to find feedback.”

Mathieu, a computer science student, recounts his journey: “I was a little lost in the face of the multiple complementary health. Finally, I used an online comparator which allowed me to detail my needs: care, alternative medicine, and even a few sports accidents. I chose a mutual from €9.90 per month, and that already covers quite a bit. Be sure to read the warranties carefully and ask questions.”

Claire, a medical student, shares her experience: “Being in a field where health is essential, I needed broad coverage. I opted for Heyme insurance which offers a very comprehensive package. never thought I could find one mutual at such a low price while having access to important services. I am so relieved to know that I am well protected.”

Finally, Lucas, a scholarship holder, explains: “For me, the budget was a crucial issue. So I made quotes on a comparison site for students. I discovered free mutual insurance or at a reduced rate for scholarship holders, which helped me a lot. It is essential to find out about this before committing.”

As these testimonies show, the choice of a mutual health insurance for students is based on listening to their needs and comparing offers. Don’t hesitate to get information and get advice to find the coverage that best suits you!

Choose the right one mutual health insurance as a student can be likened to a heroic quest. Between the different offers, the varied prices and the personalized options, there is something to get lost in. This article guides you through the essential elements to consider when selecting the mutual insurance company that will meet your needs while preserving your student budget. Follow the guide to make a safe and informed choice!

The specific needs of students

First of all, it is crucial to clearly define your health needs. Whether you’re a first-year student or about to graduate, each of these stages of student life can pose different health challenges. For example, a medical student will have distinct needs from a business student. Also think about exceptional situations such as internships abroad or seasonal jobs which may require specific coverage.

Review the guarantees offered

Another determining aspect in the choice of your mutual health insurance is the guarantee level. Generally, mutual insurance companies offer different levels of coverage, ranging from essential to more comprehensive options. Always check the refunds considered for routine care such as medical consultations, dental, or even optics. Some offers include complements for specific care or preventive medicine, which can be very useful.

Compare prices

Price is obviously a key factor when selecting a mutual insurance company. Keep in mind that it is possible to find a good mutual from €9.90/month. To find the offer that suits you best without breaking your budget, don’t hesitate to use mutual insurance comparators. These tools allow you to quickly view the prices and guarantees of several services. Don’t forget to keep an eye out for any hidden costs and warranty exclusions, which can increase your costs.

Anticipate your health expenses

It is also important to plan your annual health expenses. Estimate your costs by including doctor visits, dental care, and renewing your glasses, if necessary. This will give you an idea of ​​the type of blanket to consider. If you are often sick, a mutual fund with rapid reimbursement could prove to be a good investment.

Aid available for students

There are also several financial aids you can qualify for as a student. Find out about the Supplementary solidarity health, which can reduce your costs when resources are limited. Do not neglect specific mutual insurance companies intended for students, which offer more advantageous rates. Sometimes, organizations like Crous offer options adapted to student situations.

Choosing your health insurance as a student should not be an obstacle course. By evaluating your needs, carefully examining the guarantees and comparing the offers, you will be able to find the mutual who will be able to support you in your studies while respecting your budget. Take the time to make your choice and don’t hesitate to ask for help if necessary. Your health deserves special attention!

discover our student health insurance adapted to your needs. benefit from comprehensive coverage, an extensive care network and exclusive benefits for students. protect your health with flexible and affordable mutual insurance.

Conclusion: Choosing the right health insurance for students

In short, choose a student health insurance is no small feat, but it is a crucial step that should not be overlooked. Students often face considerable healthcare expenses, from simple medical consultations to more complex care. Thus, having suitable health coverage not only allows you to concentrate on your studies, but also to feel secure in the face of unforeseen events.

During your quest for best mutual, it is essential to assess your personal needs. Each student has their own specificities: internships abroad, work-study programs, or even seasonal jobs which can influence the necessary guarantees. By taking the time to compare the different offers, you can find a mutual that not only respects your budget, but also covers your health requirements.

In 2024, with options starting as low as €9.90/month, there are solutions for almost every budget. Do not hesitate to use comparison tools mutual health insurance to discover the best offers on the market. Also remember to check the crucial guarantees: reimbursement of care, access to specialist doctors, dental care, optical care or even alternative medicine. Each criterion counts and can make the difference in your selection.

Finally, remember that your mutual health insurance is an investment in your future. It protects you, helps you through difficult times and gives you peace of mind. Take the time you need to choose carefully and make sure you make the best choice that suits you. With good mutual insurance in your pocket, you will be able to approach your student life with peace of mind.

FAQ about student health insurance

Which student mutual fund to choose in 2024?
For the year 2024, the LMDE stands out as a popular choice. It offers several offers adapted to the needs of students.

How much does student mutual insurance cost?
The price of student mutual insurance varies, but it is possible to find interesting offers from €9.90 per month.

What criteria should you take into account when choosing a student mutual insurance company?
It is essential to evaluate your health needs, the guarantees offered and the cost of the mutual before making your choice.

How to benefit from Supplementary Solidarity Health?
To benefit from it, you must make a specific request while respecting the conditions defined by social security.

Do student mutual insurance cover internships abroad?
Yes, a good student mutual fund should cover you in all situations related to your studies, including internships abroad.

What should I do after finishing my studies regarding my health insurance?
It is crucial to think about a suitable new mutual fund, especially if you are starting your first job. Compare the available options.

Is it possible to get free student mutual insurance?
Some mutual funds may be free for scholarship students, provided they meet certain conditions. Do not hesitate to inquire!

How to compare the different student mutual insurance companies?
Use an online comparator to estimate offers, guarantees and prices in order to make an informed choice.