Guide to Insurance for Expatriates and Travelers in the United States

découvrez notre assurance pour expatriés, conçue pour protéger votre santé et vos biens à l'étranger. bénéficiez d'une couverture adaptée à vos besoins lors de votre séjour à l'international.
discover insurance solutions adapted to expatriates, guaranteeing complete coverage for your health, your property and your liability abroad. protect yourself with peace of mind during your international adventure.

Whether you are an expatriate or simply traveling in the United States, take out a health insurance adapted is essential to avoid exorbitant medical costs and guarantee optimal care if necessary. This guide explains the different options available, the legal obligations and the key points to check before taking out health insurance.

Understanding Health Insurance Needs in the United States

The United States has one of the most expensive health care systems in the world. Hospitalization, even for a minor reason, can quickly reach astronomical amounts. It is therefore crucial to make sure before leaving, whether for a short stay or an expatriation.

Why is Travel Insurance Essential?

A travel insurance is essential to cover unexpected health costs, medical emergencies, repatriations, or even trip cancellations. The insurance also offers 24-hour support, which can be essential in the event of an incident away from home.

What Benefits Should Good Travel Insurance Cover?

Quality travel insurance should include coverage for medical expenses, medical emergencies, repatriation, cancellations, loss or theft of baggage, and civil liability. Without these services, you risk having to face significant expenses in the event of a problem.

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Options for Expats in the United States

Expats should ensure they are in compliance with local laws, including the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Obama Care. To this end, several insurance options are available to them, each with its own specificities.

International Health Insurance for Expatriates

For expatriates, take out a international health insurance is often the best choice. These insurances are designed to ensure comprehensive coverage in different countries, including the United States. They can be taken in addition to the CFE (Caisse des Français de l’Étranger) or cover costs from the first dollar.

Local Insurance in the United States

In some states, it is mandatory to have local health insurance. These insurances allow you to comply with the law while offering services adapted to the American health system. However, it is important to carefully compare the different plans offered because costs and coverage can vary considerably.

découvrez les meilleures options de mutuelle française pour les expatriés à l'étranger. profitez d'une couverture santé adaptée à vos besoins, même loin de votre pays d'origine.

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Compare Offers to Find the Best Insurance

Faced with the multitude of options available, it is important to compare offers to find the insurance that best suits your needs. Prices vary depending on age, family situation, and options chosen.

Cost and Types of Plans

The cost of a health insurance for expatriates in the United States can vary between €200 per month for a young single person to more than €1000 for a family. There are first dollar formulas as well as complementary insurance to the CFE.

Get a Quote Online

To simplify your search, several insurers offer 100% online and free quotes. This is a great way to compare costs and benefits before making a decision.

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First Reflexes in the Event of Illness or Accident in the United States

In the event of illness or accident, it is imperative to contact your insurer immediately. Use the assistance number provided by your insurance to obtain advice and organize the necessary procedures. Always keep a copy of your insurance documents with you to make the process easier.

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